FAFSA & Scholarships,

made simple and free

Get the financial aid you deserve without the headaches.
We simplify the FAFSA process and match you with scholarships tailored to your unique profile—completely free.

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Available for all

Funding your education

can be this simple.

We built College Aid to help simplify the funding process and get you the assistance you need to be successful.



Tired of getting lost in the FAFSA form? Our chatbot walks you through it with easy-to-understand guidance so you don’t miss a thing. And if you need extra help, our team of real financial aid experts is just a click away.


Scholarship Matches

Stop sifting through endless lists. With a few details about you, we match you to scholarships you are more likely to qualify for. Plus, we’ll remind you about deadlines so you never miss a chance to secure funding.

Students, families, and educators on the same page

Our tools are designed to help everyone navigate the complicated process of financing a college education.
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Students and families love working with us, for more than one reason.

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Chatbot not enough?
Our team is ready to help when you need it.

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Completely Free: No fees, no hidden costs. Just the help you need.

Tailored to You

Personalized guidance and scholarship matches based on your unique profile.
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Financial Aid Fundamentals October 08, 2024
Breaking Down the Cost of College: How COA Impacts Financial Aid

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